Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Proverbial Meme Dictionary...please add items!

PROVERBIAL MEME – a word, statement or phrase providing enlightenment, insight or epiphany; communication of a sudden realization, passed between friends; means of double connection and exchange

Memes in the dictionary are placed by an author and reviewed for validity as a meme by the property interest bearers of the dictionary.  Just because you put a few words together that sound good and satisfying to you doesn’t mean anybody but you is going to “get it”.  So we test drive the meme before it goes in the dictionary.  To save yourself embarrassment and disappointment, please “test drive” your meme before submission for inclusion.  Only the author may change the meme.  Solicitous appeals for revision are the only means of getting the author to change what is in the dictionary.  No amount of ego is going to effect change of the meme.

Meme Game

You give a meme to accomplish a task.  I wanted to give a little boy some money for a pen with gold flakes he sold me which I sold for a LOT more money.  I could only meet him at a huge event of over 4,000 people.  How could I find him to give him the money?  The game is for everyone to pass along the meme.  It will only mean something to that ONE person and he has enough information to find me.  The meme is “Money for the boy with the golden pen.  Barefoot, long hair, old.”

No gods
No masters
No martyrs
No cages

Let them do what they want and you do what needs to be done.

Success: failing enough times to eliminate what doens’t work so it’s easier to find what does work.

Millennials = waiting for permission and release

If you can’t trust women with power and control, why would you trust them with children?

We grow through blending the recipe of curiosity, observation and contemplation.  We are merely gathering the ingredients by sharing our thoughts.

If you turn off the sunshine, your whole world will disappear.


Those who live by their own labor vs those who live by the labor of others.

Hope is not a strategy

Cockroaches = fast, dark, ugly parasites with no good intent.

Bureaucrates = cockroaches

Cockroaches always scatter in the light.

Mushroom = statist

Teachers give you the truth.  Mentors help you to discover it for yourself.

Judgement is useless.  Discernment is our goal.

Taxes vs voluntary charitable gifting

It’s never good business to kill your customers.

Intolerance is born of ignor-ance

If you habituate to carrying a target, you are sprinting toward defeat.

If you like the product, then the way it was produced is at least good.

Curiosity is the cure.

Media = controversy, calamity, carnality

They be fucked by their own design.

Dumbing Down

No time to wait, use their weapons against them.

Spend less time on things that are not going in the same direction as you.

There are only two kinds of people: Those who want power over you and those who want you to have power over yourself.  We make a thousand choices each day which one we are and an indicator of our choice is our use of the word “should”.

Who decides?
Who pays?
Who benefits?

Knowledge and wisdom are not proportional to the amount of disseminated information.

Freedom or popularity.

Problem, contradiction, exception.

Bureaucracy is a weapon usable by only one faction of politics; the one that wants power over you.

Onerous restrictions are awful.  Allowable infringements are worse.

Don’t be tricked into being so honorable you tell the Nazis where the Jews are.

Leaders are not forged by ease.

Arrogance = Ignor-ance

Decorum only serves those who hope to enslave.

Turn no cheek to those who intend harm.  Slap back.

The USA is the laughing stock of the world: trigger words, safe spaces, adults carrying stuffed animals and drum circles.

Don’t vote for what you don’t want.

TANFL = there ain’t no free lunch (formerly TANSTAAFL)
SNAFU = situation normal, all fucked up

PDXia = Portlandia or other situations where it’s nearly impossible to “live”.

Right Wing rage brought us the KKK and Left Wing Rage the Union Secured Weekend.  Both were attained by TWWTE.

Some achieve everything through force.  Others use persuasion and principle.  What is your preference?

The wicked witch enticed Hansel and Gretel, not with work and truth but lies and candy….free concerts, free toys, free seminars, free movies, free pools, free art, free books, free food, free shelter, free rides…..

If you don’t trust others, why should I trust you?

EVERYONE wants to take down the tallest poppy when it’s next door and not on a stage.

Fashion is an obsession with lying and controlling others.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Free Business Ideas - Including Games

As a libertarian, I'm all about everybody making a profit we can all those amazing things we want to with the money.  To that end, I hope these provide some opportunity for someone to make some money.  The only think I ask if you do succeed with one of these ideas is you give 10% of your net profits to a charity that refuses taxpayer dollars.

Game Changer


To help all of us get a regular dose of the reality about who we are and what we say.  Small, pen-like recording devices are currently available and can be discreetly sported on a jacket, coat or purse.


Before play begins, the Leader of the Game (the one doing the recording) ascertains whether those "in play" are interested in seeking truth and finding out more about themselves.  It's no fun if you spring it on them and they get mad...you might lose a friend or two.

The Leader records the conversation between themselves and one or two other people without the others knowing the conversation is being recorded.  It is very important The Leader never leaves the situation before "the reveal".  All credibility and trust is lost if they do.

At the end of the "recording time", while the recorder is still going, the Leader reminds them of their desire for truth and finding out more about themselves.  They then "reveal" the recording device and ask all participants "Do you want to know what's on the recording?"

Unless there is 100% buy-in, The Leader erases the entry in front of the others and the game is over.

If all agree to listen....play the recording and let the game of Changing Who We Are begin!

NOTE:  It is very important that nothing else be recorded on the device and it is obvious what just happened is entry ONE of only ONE file on the device.

Living History


If I had a dollar for every time I wished I had listened to my grandmother's stories or paid attention to my family's chaotic and eclectic ramblings about their lives and times past, I could buy Trump Tower.  And the unkindest cut of all; had I taken the time to ask about their lives and recorded what they said, the loss of those precious souls and the mystery surrounding their part of my own history would not sting nearly so deeply as the biggest regret of my entire life.


Capturing the stories and histories of our families is a lot easier with a specified set of questions.  There's little point in listing those here as every family historian knows the ropes and the internet will provide all.  The difference here is to get the family talking and arguing and remembering and feeling and laughing and sharing and just having a rip-roaring good time being...a family.  It's amazing what happens to the dynamics when you get different parts of the family together...and sometimes talk about the other parts of the family.  Just remember....everybody will be listening to all of it.

While "Voice to Text" is a no-brainer today, it's still a bit iffy for conversations between lots of people so stick to tried and true recordings.  If your choice is CDs/DVDs, get the archival ones which reported last up to 10 years.  The normal ones bomb out in about 3-5 years.  Tape is still the winner in the longevity sweepstakes and I'm a big fan of dictaphone transcription.  Boy, do you get to really know and understand stuff when it goes through your brain and heart.

Final Record


Whether solemn and subdued, tearful rituals of piety or joy filled crazy celebrations of the departed and their lives, funerals are always a little stressful for everyone to get through.  And nobody usually thinks to preserve what what said or done.  This would be a permanent keepsake for those attending and for future generations of curious progeny who never got a chance to meet their ancestors.

Families put together video/slideshow of the life being honored but what if it were a plug and play system which made it easy for any family, regardless of grief or stress, to have a lasting memory of their departed's "final life event".

Needful Things


It's the business of getting for others exactly what they want.  Sort of the ultimate surrogate shopper.  Russel Turner came up with the idea and actually tried it out but didn't get any takers.  I still think it's a great idea I doubt he'd care if I gave it away.

Defining Times


To encourage and proliferate an understanding of the meaning of words, their proper use and how important enlarging your vocabulary really is.


Not really a fleshed out idea, just a thought for a trivia style game which can be played two ways:

1. Give people a definition of a word and have people come up with the actual word.
2. Have a "Meaning-Bee" where, instead of spelling the word, the contestant has to give an acceptably accurate definition of the word to the judges.

You already read the "suggested reading" :-)

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Send Our Seniors Back to School...lifelong learning is what we all need.

If you are only marginally aware of what conservative and libertarian students go through in colleges around the US, here's a few links to bring you up to speed.  It ain't your grandparent's college anymore.
Silence U Part 1 Brown University VIDEO

3 conservative students speak out about the free speech climate on campus PRINT
Silence U Part 2 Yale University VIDEO

Looks pretty discouraging doesn't it?  How can we, the hopelessly outnumbered, possibly achieve even a toe-hold on getting our voices and opinions heard on college campuses?

Don't worry, there is hope. Thanks to the long history of individual mentors like Tom Palmer and organizations like The Institute for Humane Studies, we are pumping out some fabulous libertarian educators for the future.  However, that doesn't help current students at Portland State University where courses like "Revolutionary Marxism" and "Bollywood: Communicating Contemporary South Asia through Cinema" are the norm.

This campus is quite happy to shut down any political activity if it's "triggering".  So how can we possibly support these student without becoming embroiled in the college's political agenda?

We call for reinforcements.  And just who on earth would that be?

We give a shout out to the libertarians and conservatives who graduated from college 'way back when...'.  That's right folks, we call in the old people, our "honored citizens" who don't give a damn about what kind of credit or grade they get in a college course because they've already been there, done that and moved on to successful lives and careers.  We send out an SOS to our army of aging, true grit libertarians spoiling for a fight, not overly concerned what anyone thinks of their opinion and steeled enough to take a few body blows to their intellect and ego.

Think that's a silly idea?  Well, imagine you are a fresh-faced, wide-eyed 17 year old young man from a conservative Alabama home and it's your first week at Portland State.  How shell-shocked would you be by the extreme progressive political agenda dominating courses like Calculus and Advanced Grammatical Structure?  You might start wondering if hell could be any worse than the brow-beating you've received from nearly every one of your professors because your opinions are politically incorrect.

Now imagine week two and how you would feel if that old lady in the corner started asking questions and making points you no longer felt free to because your grade hangs in the balance?  Would it give you hope and courage?  Would it go a long way toward making you feel you weren't battling Goliath alone?

There's little point in belaboring this concept.  I think you get the idea.  It's a pretty simple concept.

However, this is not something you can expect to "wing" and achieve success.  You'll need some due diligence in studying the highly effective tactics used to silence debate in the classroom and elsewhere.  It's called the Delphi Technique for achieving a predetermined "consensus" and you've run up against it in every government meeting you've ever attended. With even a modestly short study of the Delphi Technique, your ability to derail these tactics wherever and whenever you encounter them will increase dramatically.

The other thing you'll need is a team.  Two or three purposeful students knowing and countering the Delphi Technique can seed an audience and make a huge difference in the atmosphere of any class.  WARNING: You can't do this by yourself!  You will end up getting both yourself and your ideas marginalizing and discredited, please trust me.

So, how about it all you boomer libertarians with a desire to increase liberty and encourage free speech?  Think you might enjoy a little "slap and tickle" with the enemy?  Those young people could sure use your help and bridging the generation gap would have a whole new meaning.  GO FOR IT!

BTW did you get the double entendre of the title?  Send our seniors BACK, to school...the progressive agenda pushers on their lack of reason and our young people how to fight and win.


The Original Scope and Purpose of the Delphi Technique
Long since abandoned for a much more productive use - to achieve a predetermined consensus.